Dear Rotary friends and esteemed guests,

It is a great honor for me to summarize the past Rotary year 2023/2024 on behalf of the Rotary Club Warszawa Goethe. Our club has made significant progress and successfully implemented numerous projects this year.

Membership and Projects

This year, we were admitted as a full member of Rotary District 2231, marking a significant milestone for our club and reaffirming our continuous commitment.

The principle “Service above Self” guided our activities. We have strengthened our communication strategy to better inform about our projects, responding to the feedback from our members. The outstanding projects this year include:

  • Summer camp for visually impaired children in Kleinpeda: A project that provided valuable and enriching experiences for visually impaired children.
  • Ambulance donation to Ukraine: A sign of our solidarity and support for the people in Ukraine.
  • Veridiana Scholarship Program in collaboration with RC Mickiewicz: Supporting talented young people.
  • Technical platform for future charity runs: Preparation and development of a platform for effective fundraising campaigns.
  • Exchange with the Rotaract Club Chopin: Strengthening international cooperation and intercultural dialogue.

Club Activities and Trips

Our club also organized numerous social and cultural events this year:

  • Club trip to Vienna in November 2023: Visiting the Christmas markets and exploring Austrian culture and cuisine.
  • New Year’s reception at the Mielżyński restaurant in January 2024: A festive start to the new year.
  • Exchange with German and Austrian Rotary clubs in Vienna in May 2024: Deepening international relationships.
  • Participation in the International Motorcycle Fellowship: Represented by Jurek, Alex, and Frederic.

Lectures and Events

Thanks to the excellent coordination by our Master of Ceremonies Jurek, we were able to offer a series of remarkable lectures:

  • Jakub Brzezinski – Elections: What’s Next?
  • Sabine Yang – China: Global Power
  • Ferdinand Schmalholz – Myth of King Ludwig
  • Florian Fank – German-Polish Potential Analysis
  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Ukraine and the War

These and many other lectures provided valuable insights and inspiration, leading to interesting discussions.

Thanks and Recognition

A heartfelt thank you goes to all members and friends who made this year unforgettable. Your tireless commitment, creativity, and willingness to go beyond the ordinary were crucial in achieving our goals. Each of you has made an important contribution, and I am deeply grateful for your support and trust.

Special thanks go to the current board:

  • Frederic – Secretary
  • Jurek – Master of Ceremonies
  • Roland – Treasurer
  • Oliver – Past President
  • Arda – President Elect

Official Part

We welcome our new member, Mr. Andrzej Golabek, a sincere and open-minded individual with a wealth of life experience.

The transfer of the chain of office to Arda Yyrdatapan marks the beginning of a new chapter. I am confident that Arda, with his enthusiasm and leadership skills, will lead our club forward and introduce new initiatives. I wish him much success and joy in his term of office and assure him of the full support of all members. We all look forward to tackling the upcoming challenges together and continuing to make positive changes in the world.


In conclusion, I would like to thank each and every one of you once again. Thank you for your friendship, cooperation, and commitment. Let us continue to work together to make the world a better place.

Thank you and here’s to a successful new Rotary year!


Maximilian Bielecki